Friday, November 12, 2010

Poem #3


I stand alone in the shadows,
waiting for a hand to be reaches towards me
 I watch numerous people walk by, ignoring me.
Until you came, 
you reached out and offered a helping hand.
You pulled me out of the shadows,
back into where I belong, 
The Light.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Poem #2


I look up and see the night-sky,
But you look up and see the morning-sky
I notice the innumerable shining stars
But you notice the fluffy clouds
We both stand here,
So close to each other.
But we are looking opposite directions
You look South, I look North.
One day, we will turn around,
You look North, I look South,
And finally, we'll be face to face.
After such a long time

Poem #1


I walk down this lonely road,
not knowing where I am going.
It's as if I'm standing as
time runs around me,
as it flows through other people
I watch my friends age and die.
I see my new friends, be born
only to die so soon after.
This is the price of immortality.
I walk down this lonely road,
not knowing where I am going.